A TRIO of babies was the last thing Michele Campbell and husband Robert were expecting to see when she went for her scan.
Michele and Robert Campbell, who are both 41, already had five children - the youngest being 12.
Michele said: "I had been feeling ill but to be told I was expecting triplets was a total surprise.
"I could see my husband looking at the scan and saw his facial expression but could not make it out."
She added: "We did not expect it at all. It was quite funny. She asked if I had had IVF. I said No, I have five children'.
"I suddenly thought, it's twins but she said, no it is triplets. Robert was laughing but I wasn't! It took me four days to get over the shock."
Michele had to be hospitalised when she was 24 weeks pregnant and the babies were delivered by Caesarian section at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge at 30 weeks - ten weeks early.
Sophie weighed the most at 3lbs and 2ozs followed by Daniel, who weighed 2lbs and 151/2 ozs and little Arthur, who weighed 2lbs and 5ozs.
The babies were taken to the intensive care unit in Addenbrookes before being transferred to Colchester General Hospital's special care baby unit.
The babies were transferred at separate times as their health improved, but it meant them being in different hospitals at times.
The triplets were born on November 6 and Sophie was allowed home on Christmas Eve with Daniel going home before the new year.
Arthur, who was the smallest, was the third one home.
Michele, who is a nurse, said taking care of the triplets was hard work but she said she was getting help from her other children, Rachel, who is 19 and attends Reading University, Joseph, who is 18 and at Colchester Sixth Form College, Edward, who is 16 and is studying to be a chef at Colchester Institute, James, 14, and Anne, 12, who are students at St Benedict's College.
Michele, of North Station Road, Colchester, said: "Individually the triplets are all good. They are healthy apart from the usual things premature babies have."
She added: "All the children have been fantastic. They are absolutely marvellous.
"With Rachel being at university, it is like my right arm has gone but the boys have gone above and beyond - they are so good with them."
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Sunday, 20 April 2008
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